Friday, February 5, 2010


I am really tired of people who call themselves Americans yet rag on it and say it is the worst country and its greedy and full of corruption. Those people do not even know what they are saying. I f you think this than why don't you move to another country, like Britain. In Britain they have a socialist government that is "equal." Try being a citizen there for a while than see which countries are worst off. The problems that you will come to find are that those European countries are actually much more in the whole than we are. The problem is that people now a days think that more government, control of businesses, and spreading the wealth will stop the crisis and get people who are lower class to the middle class and it will create jobs; it won't...


  1. I completely agree with this except the fact that our goverment doesnt do enough in the needs and concerns of our nations people. wheres the feds when we need healthcare?

  2. We Don't need public healthcare. That should be in the hands of the private sector. Having nationalized healthcare will cause taxes to increase dramatically and good luck making a doctors appointment because they will be so backed up that you could only get in if you were dying
